Thursday, February 6, 2025

Government of Ontario Launches Tax Credit for Farmers and Food Banks


Government of Ontario Launches Tax Credit for Farmers and Food Banks

On Monday September 29,2014, Jeff Leal, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, alongside the Honourable Ted McMeekin and MPP Bob Bailey announced the launch of the new Food Donation Tax Credit for Farmers.

This tax credit is the first and only one of its kind in Canada, making this a historic week for farmers, food banks, and the provincial government. Farmers in Ontario are now eligible to claim a 25 percent tax credit for all agricultural products that they donate to the provinces’ community food banks.

Everyone should and can have the opportunity to enjoy quality, locally-grown foods, and the Food Donation Tax Credit for Farmers introduced by the Ontario government will hopefully encourage more farmers to make nutritious foods available to families and individuals who need it most in our community,” says Jaden Calvert, co-chair of the Golden Town Outreach.

Many people in our community do not receive the recommended daily servings of fruit, vegetables, and protein, which is an additional strain on one’s health and well-being,” says Calvert. “A balanced diet with fresh, nutritious and local foods will help improve the health of our community members as well as the health of communities across Ontario. On behalf of the Golden Town Outreach, we are so thankful to all the local farmers who donate quality, fresh foods from their farms to help fellow community members meet their nutrition needs.”

For more information and/or if you would like to donate to the Golden Town Outreach Food Bank fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs or dairy products, fish, grains, pulses, herbs, honey, maple syrup, mushrooms, nuts, or anything else that is grown, raised or harvested on a farm, please contact the Golden Town Outreach at or 519-538-4550 or drop by the food bank. The Golden Town Outreach Food Bank is located at 34 Trowbridge St. W., in the town of Meaford, and is open Mondays, from 9:30am to 11:30am, and Thursdays, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.

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