Thursday, March 13, 2025

Is Your Vehicle Ready For Winter?


snow squall Michael Hornak270Grey County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are encouraging all motorists to ensure that their vehicles are ready to meet the challenges of winter driving and to start thinking about changing their driving habits by slowing down and allowing more time to get to and from destinations in order to reduce the chances of being involved in a collision.  

Here are some reminders:

  • Ensure your vehicle is mechanically sound and running well.

  • Ensure your fuel tank is always above ½ full.

  • Check to make sure your exhaust is free of holes or leaks.

  • Replace your windshield wipers and put winter washer fluid in the reservoir.

  • Put on winter tires for added traction and stopping ability. Remember to have the lug nuts re-torqued after 100 km or so to ensure proper fastening.  Loose lug nuts could become a hazard by falling off due to vibrations while driving.

  • Ensure the vehicles defrost and interior heaters are working properly.

  • Check all running lights to ensure you can see and be seen.

The number one cause of motor vehicle collisions during snowy conditions is speed too fast for road and weather conditions.  Remember – ice and snow – keep it slow!

Grey County OPP also encourage motorists to carry a “winter survival kit” in their vehicle.  These items may include:

  • fully charged cell phone or “call police” sign

  • fully charged flashlight

  • warm blanket and or extra warm clothing

  • tin can and a candle to aid in keeping warm

  • first-aid kit (medications)

  • bottled water/juice

  • snacks/nutrition bars

  • booster cables, tow rope or chain

  • ice scraper / snow brush / shovel

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