Thursday, March 13, 2025

GBCS Gets Some Help For Purchase of a New Smartboard

T.S. Giilck

GBCS Gets Some Help For Purchase of a New Smartboard

Thanks to the organizers of the Beaver Valley Crawl Triathlon, things are looking up for two classes at Georgian Bay Community School. In conjunction with Beaver Valley Outreach, a donation of $1,620 has been made to the school to help purchase a new Smartboard system.

Melri Wright, the volunteer coordinator with BVO, explained the donation.

“A group of high school students have run the Beaver Valley Crawl for six years now, and every year they decide where the proceeds of the event should go to.”

The crawl is a non-traditional triathlon run out at The Blue Mountains.

“This year, they decided they wanted to donate it to a project at GBCS,” Wright said. “There was a project in the developmental learning room; they had some tech needs, so they decided they wanted to give the donation to that particular project.”

The donation was for $1,620, representing a substantial part of the roughly $5,000 cost.

Leanne Franklin, the school’s developmental learning teacher, said her classes “used to have an LCD projector and a Smartboard screen.

“The problem was that the projector was set low, so the students working on the board would have been in the way of the projector, which really defeated the purpose,” she said. “So we really need a new piece of technology where the projector was at the top so it wouldn’t interfere with student interaction.”

“So I made an appeal to various groups, Georgian Bay Youth Roots being one of them, and they gave us the proceeds of the Beaver River Crawl, which I participated in for the second time.”

The students are using the new equipment for science projects and interactive learning, Franklin said.

“It’s a lot of fun and it’s practical. At around $5,000, it was a significant chunk of change, and we’re very appreciative of the donations, including the Rotary Club. We’ve been very lucky with the community support.”

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