Saturday, February 15, 2025

55+ Friendship Club Gets Into Halloween Spirit


55club halloween 2016 540

Things were a little different for the October 25th Meaford 55+ Friendship Club meeting.

Instead of their usual 2:00 pm meeting, they started a little early, at 12:30 pm, in order to accommodate a wonderful potluck luncheon.

Three long tables were groaning under the weight of all the wonderful main course offerings while another two tables held some fantastic desserts,” said the club. “We were asked to either wear a Halloween costume, or in lieu of that wear something in black or orange.”

Almost all got into the spirit of the occasion. Skeletons, queens, witches, rock stars, chickens and cartoon characters were some of the sightings. Frieda Wideman, disguised as a convict won the best costume prize from the judges.

The November 1st meeting at the normal time of 2:00pm will be a bingo game.

Photo: L-R….Betty Porter, Leo Girard, David Hobson, Marlene Pender, Norma Dunlop, Beverley Wiese, Jeanne Johnson, Marilyn Seifried, Frieda Wideman

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