Friday, March 14, 2025

10 Reasons The Signing of an Agreement With Rogers is Not Good For Our Community

Letter to the Editor


Top ten reasons why municipal council voting to begin the process of signing an agreement with Rogers Communications for a cell tower at the harbour is not good for our community:

1.      Volunteer energy that would go into building a truly healthy and harmonious municipality now has to be invested in trying to stop potentially 3 cell towers being erected at our harbour.

2.      The issue has the potential to polarize the community and make the upcoming election a one issue campaign.

3.      Since downtown Meaford is the target audience for cell tower reception spending any time in downtown Meaford may be hazardous to one’s health.

4.      Spending time shopping or selling at the base of a cell tower may not be a good personal health choice; therefore, the farmers’ market may suffer.

5.      Cell towers at the harbour will overshadow any harbour improvements.

6.      Residents who are exceptionally sensitive to EMF waves may be forced to leave our community.

7.      City folks wanting to move to a healthy small town may not see the Municipality of Meaford as desirable.

8.      If there is even a remote possibility that infants are in harm’s way due to their thinner skills and chronic exposure to the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) of cell towers; how can we possibly decide that infants living near the harbour have less value than others in our community? As a healthy community why not join the growing movement to adopt precautionary approaches for the management of health risks?

9.      Negative health effects that some believe may be arising from long term chronic exposure are just that; they could show themselves down the road. Current decision makers will not be fully accountable for any potential harm.

10.   A Municipal Council making the decision for cell tower placement under duress reinforces the belief that government and big business can roll over our community and do what they darn well please.  Can we live with that?

Lindy Iversen, Meaford

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