Sunday, January 12, 2025

BGOS Liberal Raise Funds For Fort McMurray Relief


Welcome to fort mcmurray270Bruce Grey Owen Sound federal Liberals raised more than $1,900 for Fort McMurray relief at a dance in Owen Sound’s Heartwood Hall last weekend. The funds, which will be donated to the Red Cross, will double under the federal government’s matching funds program.

The dance had been previously planned, but when Executive Vice President Meghan Lipka pitched the idea to dedicate all profits to Fort McMurray, the local executive unanimously agreed.

Sylvia Bandoian, owner of Chatter’s Owen Sound, donated a $400 gift bag for a raffle, won by Orma Cunningham of Owen Sound. The band, Midnight Special, was donated to the local association by a group of Liberals who purchased their services at a previous community fundraiser.

BGOS Liberal President Mary Anne Alton said, “It’s great to be part of such a generous community, which always responds in times of need.”

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