Wednesday, March 12, 2025

No Need to Drive After Drinking – Call a Delivery Service Instead

Stephen Vance, Staff

gopher2016 270Recently, a Meaford man was refused service at the Nelson Street LCBO due to intoxication. Grey County OPP, who had received a report of a possible impaired driver, located the man as he was about to leave the LCBO parking lot, and he was subsequently charged with impaired driving as well as refusing to provide a breath sample, but a simple phone call could have prevented the incident.

After publishing the story last week, The Meaford Independent spoke to the new owner of Meaford’s Gopher Delivery Service, Eric Sandell, who said that if you’ve already been drinking, there’s no need to risk your life and the lives of others by getting behind the wheel, when his company is standing by ready to pick up supplies for you.

Gopher Delivery Service has been running errands for Meaford residents for the past five years, picking up everything from take-out food, to groceries, to alcohol for their customers, some of whom have physical challenges making it difficult to run the errands themselves, while others have consumed alcohol and don’t want to risk driving their cars to the store themselves. Sandell, who became the new owner of the company at the beginning of May, wants to remind everyone that there’s no need to drink and drive.

“We’ll stop and pick up anything under the sun for you,” advised Sandell. “Our most common request is to pick up beer or liquor.”

Though he’s only recently taken over the business, Sandell says that it is clear that there is a need for his service, and he is hoping to explore opportunities to expand as he finds his feet with his new business.

The concept is simple. A customer calls and asks for a pick-up at a restaurant or store, the Gopher makes the pick-up and pays for the items, a small service fee is added, and the customer pays at their door with cash or debit.

A significant portion of the delivery requests received are for beer or liquor store runs – a service that can help keep those already under the influence safe at home and off the roads. But it’s also useful for the elderly and disabled who may not be able to venture out into harsh weather conditions to pick up some groceries, or by families who would like dinner delivered on a Friday night, but would prefer Chinese food or burgers rather than pizza.

“Some people are physically unable, there are those that either don’t drive, or aren’t allowed to drive. I have some regular customers who have me make runs to the grocery store, the pharmacy, or to mail a letter,” said Sandell adding that he has even made coffee runs for customers unable to get to the local Tim Horton’s.

This summer he will focus on growing a customer base at local campgrounds like Memorial Park, so that those who have been enjoying a day outdoors, possibly including the consumption of alcoholic beverages, won’t have to drive on possibly unfamiliar roads while intoxicated in order to pick up food or other supplies.

“I will be advertising at Memorial Park because there’s quite a need there, and I want to research the need (for the service) by boaters at the harbour,” said Sandell of his plans to grow the business.

If you find you need the Gopher, he’s just a phone call away: 519-538-3630.

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