Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Learning Patience in Golf

Learning Patience in GolfPatience is a virtue that is important not only in life but also in the game of golf. Our world has become so fast-paced that we often expect everything right here, right now! People’s expectations are higher and our patience levels are lower in all aspects of our lives. Time seems to be everyone’s enemy. Everything we do has to be faster. Our food has to be fast, our communications immediate and even our holidays, when we take them, seem to be so active that we often need a holiday after our holiday.

Our society has become so focused on immediate results that we often focus too much on the future and forget about the present. As a result our crazy, always in a hurry lifestyles rob us of the opportunity of truly enjoying all that is important in life. Fast-paced lifestyles often cause us stress, unhappiness, and even can be detrimental to our health.

Golf is a sport that not only will teach you patience, but also how to live in the present. It requires both personal patience as well as patience for other people. If you expect to take ten strokes off your game the next time you take a lesson, then realize that your expectations are way too high and that your patience levels for yourself are too low. Good players are patient players that understand that improvement takes time, practise, and the willingness to make changes in their swings. Once you learn to become more patient then you will not only start to see results, but also find more enjoyment in your game.

Patience is also sometimes needed during a normal round of golf. When you haven’t made a putt or hit a fairway, then keep doing what you have practised until you “find your swing”. Quick changes and often suggested alterations in your swing will often result in disasters in your game. Patience and trust in your swing are sometimes all you need to finally hit the fairway or make your first “one putt”.

Patience for other people is also important when you play golf. Realize that not everyone is a fast player and that you too were once a beginner. A typical round of golf should take approximately four to four and a half hours to play, depending on the length and degree of difficulty of the course. If you want to play faster, then I suggest that you play at times when the golf course is not as busy. If players in front of you are slow, then simply ask them nicely if you can play through. Player assistants that are on the golf course are there to ensure that all players play at a reasonable pace, so ask them for their assistance should you find yourself losing your patience during a round of golf.

You will also find that your scores will improve when you are more patient with yourself before each shot. Never try to rush your shots as this will only lead to missed shots and higher scores. Remember to always stick to your pre-swing routine, walk to the ball before your shot at a regular pace and breathe properly before you hit your shot to relieve your body from any tension.

Being patient on the golf course will lead to lower scores and improve your overall enjoyment of the game and every round that you play this summer.

Next Week: Making Solid Contact

Cameron Burechails (Teaching Professional), The Georgian Bay Golf Academy @Meaford Golf Club (705) 441-0865

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