Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Meaford Shines at Annual Community Awards

T.S. Giilck


There was a who’s who of Meaford personalities on had Saturday evening as the Meaford Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club of Meaford handed out the hardware at the annual Community Awards night held at the community centre on Saturday evening (April 9).

Brian and Susan Adamson were the big winners, as the couple were named the Rotary Citizens of the year in an address by Bernard Brunner, the president-elect of the Meaford Rotary Club.

“The recognition for our winners is indeed overdue and most deserving,” Brunner said. “Our recipients have both worked tirelessly to bring a new medical clinic to Meaford.”

Brunner pointed to the community work Adamsons have done beyond the clinic as being noteworthy as well. Susan has been the president of the Friends of the Library, while Brian built shelves for the Net Shed.

Brian has been the chairperson of the North East Grey Health Clinic for eight years, and retired last fall. Susan turned her attention to physician recruitment, and both worked endless hours to ensure the clinic was built, Brunner continued.

“Due to the dedication, commitment and passion for serving their community, Brian and Susan addressed an important need in our municipality,” Brunner said. “Their leadership brought to fruition the additional of the new medical centre to our community.”

In their acceptance speech, both Brian and Susan addressed the continuing need for more volunteers in the community, and not just with the medical clinic.

Both were surprised to win the award, although Brian was more surprised. He joked that Susan tried to convince him to wear a tie to the dinner, and he refused, as he has for the last several years.

The Rotary Club also handed a new award to a junior citizen of the year, naming Haley Fawcett as its first recipient.

Fawcett was not present to receive the award, as she is currently attending university in Thunder Bay.

Brunner said Fawcett stepped forward to organize the annual Terry Fox Run last year after the previous volunteer stepped down.

Fawcett also volunteered at the Meaford Hall Arts and Cultural Centre for a number of years, and she’s worked at the local “animal hospital” as a co-op student.

“Her excellent work ethic, attitude and diligence have ensured her respect by other team members,” Brunner said.

Her mother, Nancy Ellis, accepted the award on her behalf.

Ellis, who operates Simply Unique Flowers and Gifts, was called to the stage later to be named Business Owner of the Year.

She was plainly startled by the win, and told the crowd she was “just on her way out the door” when someone stopped her and asked her to wait.

“So thank you,” she blurted to the packed audience and then dashed out again.

The chamber handed out eight awards of its own during the event.

Albert McLean, from the Irish Block area, was named the first “Farmer of the Year” recipient by Earth Power Tractors and Equipment.

He spoke from the heart about his lifelong passion for farming and the area.

E & R Bulk Barn was named the Most Improved Business of the Year, although the owners were not present to accept the award.

The Tourism Award went to the Meaford International Film Festival, which is adding four themed dinners to its event list this year.

The Customer Service Award went to HomeBUTTONS, operated by Bill and Judy Monahan.

It’s an electronics business that offers a variety of services, including setup, to homeowners.

Monahan praised his wife Judy for her invaluable assistance in running the business, which is relatively new to town, as it was established in 2010.

James McIntosh of Duxbury Cider won the Agribusiness of the Year award. The cider from the company is pressed with local apples, and has been a rising star in the business.

The Special Merit award went to Second Harvest, a group that “rescues” surplus food that would otherwise go to waste and donates it.

The Peter Francis Memorial Award, which is a lifetime achievement award for Meaford residents, went to Brian Renkin, for his long-term commitment to health care in the area, and to resurrecting the Meaford Apple Road Race and transforming it into the Meaford Harbour Run/Walk that’s brought in more than $300,000 to the Meaford Hospital Foundation.

Renkin has served on both the Grey-Bruce Health Services Board of Directors and the Meaford Hospital Foundation Board.

He was not present to accept the award, although his son Andrew picked it up for him.

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