Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Household Hazardous Waste Day This Weekend


householdhazardouswaste Brandon Bankston270The first Household Hazardous Waste Day of 2016 will be held at the Public Works Facility in Owen Sound at 1900 20th Street East from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 9.

This very popular program is open to residents from the following municipalities:


  • City of Owen Sound

  • Township of Chatsworth

  • Township of Georgian Bluffs

  • Municipality of Grey Highlands

  • Municipality of Meaford

  • Municipality of West Grey

Hazardous waste from commercial, industrial, or farm operations can not be accepted at the depot – only household hazardous waste is permitted.

In addition to other hazardous materials the program now accepts fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent lamps in the following quantities:

  • Up to four 4-foot fluorescent tubes per visit.
  • Up to ten compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) per visit.

For a full list of what is accepted, and to download a copy of the Hazardous Waste Report form (that can be completed before arrival), residents are asked to visit the City website at:

There will be seven more Household Hazardous Waste Days on Saturdays in 2016: May 7, June 4, July 9, August 6, September 10, Octover 1 and October 15.

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