Friday, July 26, 2024

Meaford’s RE-Use Fair Perfectly Timed for Spring Cleaning

Stephen Vance, Staff


If you will be doing some Spring Cleaning in the coming weeks (see page 6 & 7 in this Thursday’s (March 31) print paper for some fantastic Spring Cleaning tips), consider doing something fun and practical with unwanted items by being a part of Meaford’s Earth Week RE-Use Fair.

The RE-Use Fair is a practical and fun way to support the goal of zero waste in our community. This year’s event is being held on Saturday, April 23 from 9 am until 3 pm at the Meaford & St. Vincent Community Centre.

The re-use portion of the Fair is an organized exchange of goods that keep ‘too good to be through’ items circulating in community. Local charities, non-profits, artisans, schools and faith-based groups request items via a Wish list. Citizens then bring the wished-for items to the MSV Community Centre on April 23, where they are packaged and picked up by the receiving groups.

Last year nearly 1,800 pounds of goods exchanged hands during the RE-Use Fair – that’s 1,800 pounds of items that could have ended up in a landfill, but instead have new life and new uses thanks to the RE-Use Fair.

Below is this year’s Wish List (the full list will also be included in our March 31 print paper). If you have any of these items collecting dust in a basement or attic, consider dropping them off at this year’s RE-Use Fair.

Wishlist of Items Requested for the RE-Use & ECO-Fair

On the day of the fair, call before hauling bigger items like desks, chairs, patio table sets, or bricks to the community centre to verify that the item is still needed. 519-477-4922

Make special delivery arrangements in advance for the fallen branches and mulch (6 cubic yards) for public gardens. 519-538-0167

25 and 50 foot extension cords

Antique-looking wooden window frames

Apple crates 24” x 18” x 17”

Armless stacking chairs (12)

Baby food jars with lids

Barn board – various lengths

Baseball gloves – kids preferred

Basic hand tools and case, screwdriver set, hammer, pliers


Batteries – for recycling

Battery-powered candles (the type in windows at Christmas)

Beads of natural material (wood, stone, seeds, shells)

Beads – any size or colour

Bean bags


Black or very dark suit jackets

Board games for kids

Bongos – old toys

Bricks for garden walls (4” x 8”)

Bristol board- any size or colour

Broken necklace chains

Broom handles

Brown paper bags – lunch size

Bubble wrap

Buttons – any size or colour

Card stock

Cardboard – for recycling

Cat litter

Cat scratching post

Cat toys

Cedar boards 2”x 6” – prefer 8 ft. long

Cedar split rail – prefer 8 ft. long

Children’s costumes

Clay for kids


Coat or dress with many colours

Coffee maker – 12 cup

Computer speakers

Computer tower (2)

Construction paper


Cotton balls

Counting objects – lots of the same item i.e. 100 checkers

Craft paint for kids – acrylic or watercolour


Crochet supplies

Cymbals – metal or plastic

Dixie cups

Dog leashes

Dry erase markers

Electronics – for recycling

Envelopes – all sizes

Fabric scraps

Felt pieces – any size or colour

Flat screen TV (32”+) for foyer (1)

Folding tables – 6 ft.


Fruit and vegetable seeds

Garbage pail lids – metal

Garden gloves for kids (12 pr.)

Garden tools for kids (12 items)

Garden trowels

Glue sticks – regular or glitter

Harmonicas – old toys

Hats – straw, fedoras, ball caps

Hawaiian shirts

Horns – old toys

House plants (5)

Ink Cartridges – used

Ink Pads-all colours

Knitting supplies

Lego or reg. toy building blocks

Liquor bottles – empty

Magnetic clips

Make believe clothes for kids

Markers – all colours

Mason/canning jars (any size)

Metal Sandwich board frames that hold 24” x 36” inserts

Microphones – plastic/toy

Mixing bowls – stainless steel

Natural fibre fabric or wool – earthy deep tones

Office chai r- good condition (1)

Office desk – good condition (1)

Old musical instruments – all kinds

Paint brushes for kids – all sizes

Paper clips – jumbo

Paper cutter

Paper doilies

Paper plates – all sizes

Paper shredder

Patio set, umbrella, table, chairs (1)

Pencil crayons

Pencils – all colours


Phonics games

Pinnies vests – all colours – for kids

Pipe cleaners – any colour

Plain cloth tablecloths (not plastic)

Plastic measuring cups

Plasticine for kids

Playing cards

Pool noodles

Popsicle sticks

Portable display signs

Pot lids – metal


Puzzles for kids

Ribbon – any colour

Rubber boots women’s 7 ½ 2 pr.

Sandwich board signs – heavy

Saran Wrap

Scissors for small hands


Shovels – kid size

Small clay pots – not painted

Soccer balls

Spray bottles (6)

Stickers for kids – all kinds

Sticky notes

Styrofoam cups

Suitcases – old vintage looking

Sweaters – wool or natural fibre – some holes in sweater OK

Tall black boots – women’s

Tambourines – old toys

Tea cups & matching saucer (30)

Tennis balls

Tennis racquets

Tent/canopies for outdoor sellers

Thread spools – empty wood/plastic


Tissue paper – all colours

Tow buggy for bike (1)

Tow wagon for bike (1)

Wash boards – metal (music)

Wash tubs – metal (music)

Washable markers

Water colour paper

Watering cans (2)

White boards & markers

White glue for kids

Wigs – all kinds

Wine bottles – empty

Wood boxes – old

Wooden bowls – all sizes

Wooden crates – all sizes

Wooden skewers

Wooden spoons – large

Yarn – any colour

Ziploc bags – all sizes

For detailed information on all of the Earth Week celebrations, visit

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