Wednesday, March 12, 2025

BWDSB Conducting Special Education Needs Assessment


BWDSB Conducting Special Education Needs AssessmentThe Bluewater District School Board is conducting an online survey to seek input from parents or guardians on improving the delivery of services to students with special education needs and their families.

The Special Education Needs Assessment – Parent Survey, which is available on the board website until January 22, 2016, is primarily for parents/guardians whose children have access to special education programs and services through an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Participants are asked for their feedback on how well Bluewater District School Board is addressing the special education needs of their children, and how the board can provide better supports within the resources that are currently available.

All survey responses are anonymous unless a participant chooses to provide their name.

Survey results will be collated by board staff and shared with Bluewater District School Board’s Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) as well as the Board of Trustees.

The Special Education Needs Assessment – Parent Survey can be found at the following link:

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