Saturday, February 15, 2025

How Will You Celebrate Mother’s Day?

By Stephen Vance, Editor

How Will You Celebrate Mother’s Day?This weekend mothers everywhere will be sent flowers, given cards and gifts, pampered with breakfast in bed, and a host of other traditions that have been developed for the annual expression of appreciation for mothers.

Motherhood is a tough job. If there was a job description posted for the position of motherhood, I would be surprised that many would apply based on the basic requirements. Imagine the job posting:

Wanted: Mother

Skills required: Ability to function on little sleep, and thrive on chaos. Organizational skills critical – must be able to manage schedules of all children, and often the other parent in the house. Ability to clean vomit off the floor while changing a diaper, and preparing meals all at the same time, a huge asset. Physical strength, stamina, and a stern look when necessary are valued skills for the position. Broad shoulders that can withstand occasional outburst from small humans, at times this will include stomping around, crying, yelling, and even insults.

Work hours: This position requires a time commitment of 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Partial exceptions are granted for Mother’s Day, and your birthday when you will be offered the day off, though you will likely assume your duties at some point throughout those days.

Wage: This is an unpaid position.

Potential for advancement: None, however some view Grandmotherhood as a promotion – it is less work, but seems to cost just as much.

Can you imagine who would apply? No wonder moms love Mother’s Day.

If greasing the commercial wheel isn’t your style, there are some other fun things to do with and for mom this weekend.

If after a winter of salt and sand, mom’s car could use a wash and vacuum, head over to CarQuest on Saturday May 9 from 9 am until 12:30 where MCS grade 8 students will be washing cars and selling hot dogs to raise money for their year-end trip to Ottawa. Mom gets a clean car, the kids raise money for their trip, everyone wins.

The newly established St. Vincent Centre For Organic Farming is hosting an event to plant a tree for mom on Sunday May 10. You can bring your own tree to plant, or you can adopt one of the many trees the organizers will have on hand. The St. Vincent Centre For Organic Farming is located at 205732 Highway 26.

Another chance to get outdoors with mom on Mother’s Day can be found at Memorial Park from 1 – 3 pm, where volunteers will be gathering to search the park grounds for Garlic Mustard which must be removed in order for other plants in the park, particularly the Trillium flowers that will be springing up soon.

There’s also the breakfast being held at the Riverside Community Centre from 9 am until 1 pm. At a cost of just $10 per person, it is an affordable way to take mom out for breakfast, while at the same time supporting an important community facility.

Whatever you do for mom this weekend, we at The Meaford Independent hope you make her feel special.

Happy Mother’s Day from The Meaford Independent.

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