Friday, July 26, 2024

BWDSB Grade 9 EQAO Math Results Released


The latest results released by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) from the 2014 – 2015 Grade 9 Assessments of Academic and Applied Mathematics indicate the continuation of a positive trend in the success rate for Bluewater District School Board students, says the board.

Students continued to perform well in Grade 9 Academic Mathematics with 80 percent meeting or exceeding the provincial standard. While this is a decrease from last year’s score, the trend for this assessment has remained steady for Bluewater District School Board students over the past several years.

In Grade 9 Applied Mathematics, 51 percent of students met or exceeded the provincial standard, which mirrors the success rate of the previous year in 2013 – 2014. The result marks a 13 percent increase for Bluewater District School Board since 2012 – 2013.

Since not all schools in the English language system participated in the Grade 9 Assessments of Academic and Applied Mathematics last year, the province will not be publishing a provincial level result this year. Last year’s provincial results were 85 percent for Grade 9 Academic Mathematics and 47 percent for Grade 9 Applied Mathematics, respectively.

“Once again, we are proud of our students and the ongoing hard work by our educators and administrators in achieving success in both Academic and Applied Mathematics. We are committed to continuing our efforts to improve upon our current success,” says Superintendent of Education Lori Wilder.

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