Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Canada Has Gone From Peacekeeper to Aggressor

Letter to the Editor


There was a time, not many years ago, when Canada was a different country than it is today. It was a time when Canadians wore the maple leaf with pride, whether at home or away.

The maple leaf was a symbol of peace, security and democracy that was recognized and respected around the world. Canada was the leader in world Peacekeeping and a Canadian was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace; today we are an aggressor, a warring nation.

Our system of government and the freedoms it ensured were the envy of many; today that democratic system is threatened by the desire for political power. Canada was built by immigrants and welcomed people from around that world who were seeking a better life; today that policy is so restrictive that people fleeing desperate situations are ignored. There was a time when Canada was a tolerant and accepting society; today members of our government make hateful comments about those whose cultural and ethnic background is different than their own. Canada was a leader in scientific research, we understood the the importance of our natural environment and took steps to preserve and manage our resources; today government policies show little regard for the health of the planet.

In a few weeks we will choose what kind of country we want for the future. My hope is we will return to the values and principles that served us well for 140 years, the values that earned Canada respect around the world, the values that made Canadians proud to wear the maple leaf.

Greg Brown, Meaford

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