Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Meaford Fire Department to Host September 11th Memorial Service


911mem unveil

The Meaford & District Fire Department will host a special memorial ceremony to honour the victims and survivors of the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. 

This special ceremony will take place this Friday September 11 at 7:00pm at the memorial site located in front of the fire station at 81 Stewart St., Meaford.

The Meaford and District Fire Department is one of six fire departments in Canada to exhibit one of the structural beams from the World Trade Centre in New York.  The beam is on display at the memorial site constructed in front of the fire station.

The Memorial Service will remember the 9/11 victims and honour those who continue to serve as Fire Fighters, Paramedics, Police Officers and in our Military.

Serving or retired personnel and the public are invited to join the Meaford & District Fire Fighters for this commemorative service.

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