Saturday, January 11, 2025

2022 Municipal Election Candidate Profile: Harley Greenfield

Candidate Name: Harley Greenfield

Position Sought: Councillor


Phone 519.538.2570


A lifelong resident of the Municipality of Meaford. Married for over fifty years to my wife and best friend Doris. Have three children and three grandsons. I enjoy hiking and exploring our local area, and also tripping to other Canadian destinations, such as British Columbia, Alberta, and the Maritimes. I stay familiar with both the rural and urban areas of our Municipality and continuously enjoy and appreciate the natural scenic beauty of the area. Particularly enjoy our clean air and water, our hills, valleys, and many trails, and the healthy opportunities they provide. These assets have made it most appealing to live here and contribute to our wonderful community whenever possible.

Explain your primary reasons for your decision to seek election to Meaford council:

Our Municipality has entered a period of transition, one like never before experienced on such a scale. Development proposals, more frequent and considerably larger than previously have appeared. We must have an Official Plan in place to deal with this changing reality. I am anxious to guarantee that through our current Official Plan Review, we will develop terminology that will suffice into the future. A Plan that satisfies the interests of our local residents, plus the developers and the province.

Major developments will happen primarily in the urban area, but they must not overshadow the requirements of our rural neighbourhoods. Their roads, bridges, roadsides, ditches and culverts must be maintained and protected and our agricultural enterprises must be guaranteed in a ‘right to farm’ atmosphere.

More recreational activities to help create and maintain healthy lifestyles Are necessary. All facilities, including the Arena, Pool, plus our many wonderful public parks must be continuously repaired and updated to provide enjoyment to all, including our handicapped residents.

Our infrastructure, the roads, bridges, water and waste water facilities, are in constant need of repair and outright replacement. Costs have jumped substantially, and although we have long term Plans in place, financing will be problematic. Every available funding source (grants, development charges, user fees), must be utilized if possible.

In your view, what should be the top priorities for the council that is elected on October 24?

Complete the Official Plan Review, one that emphasizes Municipality of Meaford ideals and standards, while still allowing for growth in residential and commercial areas.

Continue to improve our Rec and Culture venues, including our buildings, parks and trails. Establish as many programs as possible that improve both physical and mental good health, including those to benefit our handicapped individuals.

Establish a downtown groceteria. Not a supermarket, but a reliable outlet for essential food products, plus a year round supply of fresh vegetables and fruits, with a genuine bake and butcher shop. With our growing population, it could be easily supported.

Ensure financial sustainability for our residents and Municipality. In a time of increasing inflation, the new Council May, at times, have to say ‘no’ .

Press for more broadband availability, both urban and rural.

Guarantee safe, potable drinking water and waste water treatment.

Guarantee modern, well equipped, fully trained Fire Departments for our protection.

Initiate a sunset clause on development proposals that have been inactive for too long. Require developers to once again go through the required Planning steps, and associated expenses.

Continue to disallow, and firm up, the usage of Miller Street by heavy trucks.

Work with the Township of Chatsworth and Grey County to finally fund and replace bridges 21 and 22.

Work with TC Energy to ensure our community receives the maximum benefits possible from the pumped storage project.

Strive to protect our downtown Heritage District. Be firmer and more prompt with Property Standards violations pertaining to buildings and weeds.

Endorse more local ‘celebrations and special events’. Promote rural activities such a suppers, Food grains projects, the Fall Fair and offer more for a resurging Tourism industry?

Explain the role of councillor (or Mayor/Deputy Mayor) as you understand it.

The role of a Council member begins with an understanding and following of the Ontario Municipal Act. I totally agree with and have always attempted to practice the first clause of #224, which states a Council member is to be representative of the public and consider the ell being and best interests of the public. In my terms, ‘listen to what your residents have to say, and judge accordingly’.

A Council member is tasked with what services the Municipality provides, and must develop and then evaluate the policies and programs provide. Both steps are necessary, and the second one should not be overlooked.

Becoming even more important today is ensuring accountability and transparency within our local governance. Our residents expect and demand this (as they should), Communication with the public is the key, and we should always expand on our message delivery.

Managing and protecting our municipal finances has always been of utmost importance, and increased costs have made this supervision more imperative, and more difficult. Taxpayer dollars represent our primary funding, and Council must never forget that our ratepayers have financia1ql limits, and the cost of services we supply must be reflective.

Council members need to always be an advocate for their Municipality. Be proud of your home district, and promote it. We have much to congratulate in a positive manner…not perfect, but very commendable.

One other item for a Council member to always remember. Even if you have voted against a certain policy, expenditure or program, when Council makes its decision, it is your duty to abide by it and be supportive. Not always easy, but it is the word of Council as a group, and that overrules any of your personal opinions,

Another unofficial rule. Be open minded. Listen to all opinions that are given. Surprisingly, sometimes an option you originally thought was impossible, might just work.

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