Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Sassy Scarecrows Among the Tops in Group Fundraising For Annual Harbour Run/Walk/Stroll


sassy scarecrows 2015

They call themselves the Sassy Scarecrows, a group of nine spirited community volunteers who once again this year raised more money toward the Meaford Hospital Foundation Walk/Run/Stroll on July 11 than all but one other team, a grand total of $3,335.

The team of nine Sassy Scarecrows represented the Scarecrow Invasion and Family Festival Committees during the 18th annual fundraiser to raise money for cancer care projects. Like the hospital fundraiser, the annual Scarecrow Invasion and Family Festival relies on volunteers, community commitment to common goals, and mutual support, and the Sassy Scarecrows have been more than willing to join in and support the hospital’s endeavours.

The Scarecrow Invasion and Family Festival Committees have a tradition of mutual community support, according to Head Scarecrow Marilyn Morris. “The Scarecrow Invasion hosts an annual ‘Community Event Planners’ meeting in the winter to help other organizations both plan and promote their own activities. We invite approximately 60 groups and organizations to the meeting,” she said.

The committees actively promote the invasion, the festival, and other community events at every opportunity, including the Meaford Fall Fair on Labour Day weekend, the Chamber of Commerce Welcome to Meaford trade show in September, the Meaford International Film Festival, and the Grey Bruce and the Simcoe Counties brochure swaps in the spring.


Notice of Correction:  This article originally stated that the Sassy Scarecrows had raised the most money of any team at the Harbour Run/Walk/Stroll based on day-of event information, however event organizers have indicated that after all team contributions were tallied, the Sassy Scarecrows team had raised the second-most amount of money for the cause.

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