Friday, February 7, 2025

VBS Program in Two Weeks at Olivet Baptist Church

By Caleb Jones, Student Reporter


Meaford’s Olivet Baptist Church is once again hosting their popular Vacation Bible School (V.B.S.) for area children during the week of June 16-20. 

The V.B.S. program theme this year is ‘Weird Animals: Where Jesus’ Love is one of a Kind’. Through this theme, the kids will learn about many weird and different animals along with being taught from the Bible.

The daily program includes eating treats, singing songs, playing games, experiencing Bible Adventures, and testing ‘Sciency-Fun Gizmos’. The program is lead by a crew of volunteers, assuring a 3:1 child to adult ratio.

The church has been running V.B.S. programs for many years, and this year will mark the 14th edition. The program typically holds around 100 children, and is open for kids from JK to Grade 6. The program is free, to assure all are able to participate.

There is arranged transportation from both SVE and MCS to the church, which is located at 55 Ivan St. The program lasts until 6p.m., at which time parents can pick up their children.

I’m so excited for the kids to come, and the week to start,” VBS Co-ordinator Ruth Jones said, “We are all really ready for the church to fill up with kids and for all the noise and excitement. After taking a year break, the whole church is anxiously anticipating this year’s VBS!”

One special aspect of this year’s program is that children will have the opportunity to take part in an international charitable effort. Children are encouraged to bring in money that will be sent in totality to provide BioSand Water Filters to children in underdeveloped countries. In past years the program has supported many other charitable efforts, typically aimed at supporting the underprivileged.

For more information or to register, parents can call 519-538-2020 or e-mail Registration forms have also been delivered at both elementary schools.

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