Friday, February 14, 2025

Meaford Businessman Planning $10,000 Haircut

By Stephen Vance, Staff

rba hair shave

Meaford Businessman Todd Campbell is hoping to have a $10,000 haircut on June 21, but he needs the help of the community to make it happen.  Campbell has committed to having his full head of hair shaved in support of Heroes for Hope – formerly Cops For Cancer – on June 21.

More than $2,000 has been raised by Campbell thus far, and Campbell is hoping that area residents will contribute to the cause before the barber arrives.

Asked why he decided to participate in the event this year, Campbell said that he, like most everyone, has seen family and friends struggle with cancer over the years.

So many friends, family, clients, and business partners have been bruised by the disease. The least I can do is lose a little hair,” offered Campbell.

Those in need of some extra incentive to donate might be interested to note that the donor with the highest pledge will have the option of shaving Campbell’s head personally.

Jennifer Wright of the Bluewater branch of the Canadian Cancer Society was on hand to take Campbell through a test run with a set of clippers recently. Wright says that this year the Bluewater fundraising goal is $125,000.

Donations can be made to Todd Campbell’s campaign at the RBA Financial office on Sykes Street, or online at www.

Funds raised will be used to support transportation services for area children with cancer.

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