Monday, March 3, 2025

Walker Pushes For Relocation of MED Training Program to Georgian College in Owen Sound


walker official 2013 225Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Bill Walker has continued his push for the Marine Emergency Duties Training program to be relocated to the Owen Sound campus of Georgian College. Walker rose during Question Period at Queen’s Park last week to call on Premier Kathleen Wynne and her key ministers to support the local college and protect jobs in Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound.

This investment in training at Georgian College would be a key source of jobs for the Great Lakes communities and region that depend on the marine industry,” Walker said, adding any such investment would also ensure the local campus is more viable in the long-term.

Walker did not shy away from criticizing the government for doling out taxpayer dollars to private firms before looking after its public institutions.

You’re prepared to provide $3.5 billion to a private firm called Cisco; yet, you have given no such support to a public institution that is Georgian College,” Walker said. “It’s fact: The relocation of the MED training centre and program will ensure jobs remain in the area, and the province.”

Walker said when the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, Brad Duguid failed to recall the MED Training facility proposal, he invited him to a briefing to discuss the project.

We need to ensure all responsible ministers are aware that without their support, there is widespread concern they will in fact drive the marine industry out of Ontario and jeopardize the viability of all three: the local campus, the marine industry and jobs in the Great Lakes region.”

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