Friday, January 24, 2025

Reuse Fair Set For April 26


reuse 225Participating in the Municipality of Meaford’s Reuse Fair April 26 is one of many things you can do to help reduce waste.

A Reuse Fair is a one‐day community event where unwanted but reusable household items are collected and passed on to charities, non‐profits, artisans and schools that need them. Reuse Fairs are not for monetary gain but free events held to promote the concept of reuse in our community.

Are you a community group or school with a wish list of items you could really use? Are you a good-hearted citizen ready to donate these items? If so, tap into the Municipality of Meaford’s Reuse Fair, Saturday, April 26 – the grand finale of Earth Week.

At this stage of my life, I’m certainly looking to reduce my clutter and downsize as much as I can. I did it once when we moved here from Yellowknife but I still have more to offer. It’s a good feeling to pass things along to others who can use them,” says Mary Bryant, a volunteer and board member at the Golden Town Outreach Food Bank.

The Recycling Council of Ontario, a not-for-profit organization involved in work around issues of consumption and waste,measure in acres what one person uses in resources, energy and waste to maintain their life style. On average each person on earth uses about seven acres – Canadians use 19 ¼ acres.

Reducing our ecological footprint can be a fun challenge. Ever wondered what your carbon or ecological footprint is? How many acres you are using to live?

Take the Ecological Footprint Survey at Waste Reduction Week Canada. See how you compare to others.


For your Wish List form or to view the current master list of wished for items from other groups go to click on Special Events at the bottom of the home page and follow the Earth Week links.

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