Thursday, March 13, 2025

What if Karma is Real?

Dear Editor,

I have been thinking about all the unnecessary suffering we go through because of dishonesty. It may be something small to the thief, but if it causes pain to the owner of the stolen item it is not small. A lie may seem small but if it destroys a reputation, it is not unimportant. If an act of cheating causes pain to the person who was entitled to the reward, it is not minor. Think about the Bible verse that says, “He who would be first shall be last”. Every major religion has the “Golden Rule”. These are meant to tell us to be honourable. What if the concept of reincarnation is real? What if there really is a thing like Karma? What if we really do come back to pay for the pain we cause? Are you sure that ‘shiny thing’ is worth the pain you earn by destroying it?

Just think about it. Karma might not be real, but ‘what if it is?’ What if?

Roberta Docherty, Meaford

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