Monday, March 10, 2025

We Are in the Midst of a Climate Emergency


Ron Hartlen wrote in his letter of March 18 (responding to Mr. Mason’s letter of March 11) that there are “many well qualified, experienced scientists, geologists, geophysicists around the world who…tell us that there is no urgent CO2-emissions crisis.” He is correct, there are many who do so, however these many are still a minuscule proportion of scientists in the world and they are not the scientific experts on climate change.

Almost all publishing climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. There is a multitude of evidence available on the internet showing this consensus. Take NASA for example, which provides a list of reputable scientific bodies from across the world that have issued public statements to this effect, including the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (

I suggest that Mr. Hartlen take some time to review this mountain of evidence to the contrary of that presented by the outliers he seems to be relying on.

While Mr. Mason’s approach is on the harsh side, I suspect it is not because of “arrogance” as Mr. Hartlen says. Rather, it likely stems from exasperation and deep concern that we continue to have these debates at a time of such critical urgency. Surely in 2021, we can leave this behind and start giving our full attention to find ways to act immediately and decisively to address this crisis.

We are in an emergency, as even our own Council along with hundreds of others across Canada agree. The time to act is now and we must all do our part. The financial and existential costs of inaction are unacceptable.


Lesley Lewis, Meaford

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