Saturday, March 15, 2025

Two Knights’ Home Building Centre Employees Receive Bursary

Knights’ Home Building Centre and the Edey Family have announced that two employees of Knights’ Home Building Centre have been selected as recipients of the Beverley Edey Memorial Bursary for 2020.

In order to apply for this bursary applicants had to be an employee or the dependant of an employee of a member organization of the Lumber and Building Materials Association of Ontario, as well as be currently enrolled in post-secondary education.

The two bursary recipients are from the Knights’ Home Building Centre are Carter Von Stakelberg, Honours Earth Sciences, Geology Specialization, University of Waterloo, and Kirstin Knight, Early Childhood Education, Sir Sandford Fleming College.

2020 is the inaugural year for this award which was created in recognition of Beverley Edey’s significant contribution to the LBM industry and the LBMAO. Beverley was a trailblazer in the LBM industry for over 40 years. She was the first female manager of a Beaver Lumber store in all of Canada, and also served as the first female Director to sit on the Board of Directors for the Lumber and Building Materials Association of Ontario.

Beverley along with her family are long term Meaford residents, and until her retirement she was the Manager of the Thornbury Home Hardware Building Centre.

Beverley’s spouse, Lynn Edey was on hand to present the bursary in person to Kirstin Knight, and as he always likes to add a personal touch delivered the award to Carter at the University of Waterloo.

Kirstin, Carter and all of us at Knights’ Home Building Centre would like to thank the LBMAO, and the Edey family for choosing to honour Beverley in this way, and appreciate the assistance this will provide to them with their educational endeavours,” said the management of the Knights’ Home Building Centre.

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