Sunday, March 9, 2025

Thoughts on What to Look For in a Council Candidate


Congratulations on a well-written and timely article in last week’s TMI (What Should We Look For in a Council Candidate?, March 10, 2022).

As your article so rightly points out, “….We will only get out of democracy what we put in….” so our evaluation of candidates over the next few months will ultimately determine the next four years for our community.

The core attributes as you outlined in your article of Experience, Community Engagement, Competence, are essential and provide a firm foundation for any candidate seeking public office.

The Municipal Act in Ontario describes the role of a Councillor to be an informed resident, a policymaker, and a steward of resources. These roles overlap and are greatly accentuated in Communities that are experiencing growth and development. Many decisions will have long-term impacts beyond a four-year term for the health and welfare of our community.

Throughout these periods of growth, other essential qualities for any leader is the ability to listen, understand and inspire a Community Vision for the future, with key priorities and measures for success.

Communities that fail to adopt a clear vision leave themselves open to the whims of developers and profit-seeking investors to impose radical changes that will possibly disturb and change the very values and beauty that residents so love in their community now!

A community vision would provide the proper lens through with councillors could positively review and direct resources to potential developments, activities, infrastructure projects, revitalization projects, and so much more. Ongoing evaluation and progress reports by staff and council would enhance our residents’ knowledge of the achievements and successes.

As you so noted, let’s do our homework this fall and elect those candidates for council who have the appropriate attributes and vision to lead us into the next four years and beyond.

Reed Barrett, Imagine Meaford

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