Sunday, March 9, 2025

Thoughts on Residential School History


In all the rhetoric and hand wringing that has transpired since the discovery of the 215 children’s bodies, I have heard next to nothing about full inquiry nor accountability.

Many of the perpetrators of this atrocity are still alive. Why are they not being held to account?

I wrote to the Prime Minister’s office on the subject and received a typical politician’s reply about grief and empathy but not one word about real action.

The Catholic Church, too, needs to be made to cough up the records. Once again, no action.

As a nation we must cease trying to sweep all of this under the rug, pretending it didn’t really happen or this disgusting stain will forever keep haunting us. There is nothing wrong with courageous action. We cannot fix the past but we can face it squarely and deal with it.

Sadly, I feel that the inaction stems from a fear that if we dig too deeply we will unearth political consequences that will have far-reaching effects.

Where, oh where, is the leadership? There are cowards in abundance, but no leaders.

David Blackburn, Meaford

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