Monday, March 10, 2025

There Are Heroes Among Us


Last evening, just after 6 p.m., I was walking my trusted companion Maple by the Meaford Harbour Sailing school. Noticing a group of young sailors having an outdoor meeting while also hearing a strange noise like something falling/splashing in the water.

When this group heard the sound, they immediately rushed down the pier to see what it was. It was a car that had fallen into the water between a couple of boats.

This group mobilized into life saving action without hesitation. One young man shouted directions – grab the life ring, call the police, get a hammer (to break the window) and then flew into the water.

The car was slowly sinking (actually it sank way faster than you would imagine) while this group worked to save the lady inside.

They immediately started smashing the driver side window instructing the lady to move to the back of the car while the car was sinking hood first. They then moved on to the back window as the passenger window did not break through.

As the nose moved deeper into the water they instructed the lady to move to trunk for escape.

Seconds before the car actually sank, they were able to pull the lady out of the back side window and save her life.

This group of sailors should be recognized for their incredibly heroic response and rescue and should even receive medals of commendation as they truly did save this woman’s life.

As a witness, it was fascinating to watch such quick, controlled and and smart response.

There are heroes amongst us.

Andrea Roylance, Meaford

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