Saturday, March 8, 2025

Thankful For New Marriage Policy at Grace United


I have my own rant and rave to share with you and the community. My rant is about how many people view and treat people who identify as two-spirited, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transexual, queer, intersex, asexual and other (2SLGBTQIA+). It breaks my heart that people do not listen and learn and see beyond misinformation and narrow stereotypes. It angers me to see fine, caring people bullied, persecuted, discriminated against and even killed because of who they are. It troubles me to read that this is sometimes even done in the name of religion.

So this leads me to rave about the new marriage policy at Grace United Church in Thornbury. The new policy statement is powerful in its brevity and inclusivity: “Grace United Church will welcome and marry couples of all gender combinations who love each other.” Marriage is the fullest expression of love between two people. As such, it should be celebrated without discrimination of two people who love each other regardless of sexual and gender identity.

This policy was set on March 3 this year by the members of the church who also expressed that they value each person as a unique, loved creation of God. This value along with a focus on social justice is what compelled the congregation to adopt a new inclusive marriage policy. Their commitment to justice and equity includes a commitment to safe space and offering of full participation in the church for people of all social or cultural backgrounds, all ages, all races, all abilities, all spiritual backgrounds, all sexual orientations, all gender identities and gender expressions.

I am proud to be associated with Grace United Thornbury and this new marriage policy. The church office is open for enquiries about marriage services ( or 519-599-2438)

Mary Lou Gignac, Meaford

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