Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Text Notifications for People who Test Positive for COVID-19  

Due to the significant increase in COVID-19 cases, the Grey Bruce Health Unit is utilizing an automated text messaging system and the provincial online Virtual Assessment tool to follow up with people who test positive and have a listed mobile contact number.

People who test positive and do not have a mobile contact number listed will be called directly by Public Health. Using an automated text messaging system assists with timely notification and communication with people who test positive.

Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will receive text notification with a series of questions and information about COVID-19 including a link to the online tool. The virtual Assessment online interactive tool will help individuals to accurately determine their isolation time and when they will be out of isolation.  Answers will be kept confidential and are reported back directly to Public Health. No banking information will ever be requested.

We request individuals to respond to the text immediately in order to get this timely guidance. After completing the questions, Public Health may call to confirm information that was submitted,” noted the Health Unit.

Anyone receiving a positive test result should not wait for Public Health to contact them and should self-isolate immediately. These  individuals will be directed to notify their close contacts and will be given information to share with them. Household contacts of positive cases need to stay home and isolate, regardless of their vaccination status.

The Grey Bruce Health Unit is operating at enhanced capacity for case management and vaccine roll-out, therefore we are asking the public to please limit calling our helpline for general information. Information for people who test positive for COVID-19 or anyone that has been exposed to COVID-19 can be found in the COVID-19 section of the Grey Bruce Health Unit’s website,” said the Health Unit.

For information about COVID-19 from the Government of Ontario visit the Stop the Spread page.


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