Friday, January 10, 2025

TC Energy Responds to Recent Letter


In his recent letter to the editor, More Thoughts on Proposed Pumped Storage Facility, Louis M. Bernard outlines numerous observations regarding TC Energy’s Pumped Storage Project. Protecting Georgian Bay’s fish and aquatic environment, water quality, and the number and type of jobs associated with the Project are all factors that are important to us too. While I applaud his concern for and dedication to his community, I am happy to assure readers that the observations raised by Mr. Bernard simply do not align with the facts on the Project.

From the very beginning we have been transparent and public about what this project is all about, why we need it, how we will build it, and what it will mean for residents of Meaford. We are committed to building a reliable, safe and environmentally responsible project that will create jobs and economic prosperity for the residents of Meaford. We have listened to and made improvements to the project as a direct result of input from the public. Project information is available online and through in-person and virtual information sessions. Before the first shovel goes in the ground the Project must fully adhere to rigorous provincial and federal environmental and impact assessments, which will include additional public consultation and opportunities for further community input.

Lastly, I want to state again that we welcome all healthy discussion and feedback about our project plans and how we can maximize the benefit for Meaford, and we invite Mr. Bernard – and all Meaford residents – to share his thoughts by joining one of our weekly Community Coffee Chats, visiting our Community Information Centre at 390 N. Sykes Street, or giving us a call at 519-538-7941.

John Mikkelsen P.Eng. M.A.Sc., Project Director TC Energy

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