Friday, March 14, 2025

TC Energy Responds to Recent Letter


I would like to thank Louis Bernard for his letter, published in the June 2, 2022, edition of The Meaford Independent, in which he raises several issues related to our proposed Ontario Pumped Storage Project in Meaford. However, I would also like to clarify a key point he makes, and correct a serious misconception.

There is nothing more important to us than the safety of Meaford and area residents and the protection of Georgian Bay. We welcome and are committed to listening to community feedback. We heard your concerns about preserving Georgian Bay’s beauty and ecosystem, and have already invested an additional $1 billion in the project’s design to further protect Georgian Bay.

It’s important to note that the location of the project on the Department of National Defense’s 4th Canadian Division Training Centre does not exempt us from a full assessment – nor would we want it to. Let me assure you that before we begin construction, the project will undergo rigorous provincial and federal environmental and impact assessments to limit potential environmental, health, social, and economic impacts, and we will adhere to all regulatory processes and requirements.

We are committed to communicating openly and transparently with you throughout the process, and we look forward to your input into this public exercise.

Thank you.

John Mikkelsen P.Eng. M.A.Sc.

Power, Storage and Origination, TC Energy

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