Monday, January 13, 2025

Skydev Appeal Update

Following up on last week’s notification that Zoning By-law Amendment for Skydevco Inc., has been appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), the Municipality has provided the following update on this matter.

    • Municipal staff are in the process of putting together official record and package of documents and materials associated with the Appeal as required by the OLT. This work must be completed and submitted to the OLT’s within its defined timeline.    
    • Once received, The OLT will review these materials, create a file, and issue a file number accordingly (approximately 1 – 2 months).
    • All persons who have made deputations and/or submitted correspondence and provided the necessary contact information throughout the initial Municipal process for the Rezoning Application will receive notice from the OLT about the Appeal.
    • The OLT will assign a Case Manager for the file who administers the file. The Case Manager does not make any decisions on the file.
    • A Case Management Conference will be scheduled by the OLT with everyone who has submitted documentation on the file being notified. This will be a few months from the day they open the file. One of the main tasks of the Case Management Conference will be to establish Parties and Participants going forward. Please refer to the OLT Rules of Practice and Procedure for more information on this and other matters.    
    • More details about the OLT can be found at:

As the Appeal moves forward the Municipality will provide additional information to the public as it becomes available.


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