Monday, January 6, 2025

Save Georgian Bay Hosts Gala at Craig Gallery

Save Georgian Bay, a group of citizens concerned about a proposed project for a $4.3 billion pumped storage plant (PSP) on the shore of Georgian Bay, held a gala at the Craig Gallery to raise awareness about the project and host an evening of art and entertainment in downtown Meaford.

Members of Save Georgian Bay provided insight into the project, and a silent auction of original art was held to raise funds. Door prizes and refreshments were provided by local businesses.

When we first heard about the proposed project we thought ‘this sounds great, almost too good to be true.’ We started to research the proposal and learned that it was, indeed, too good to be true. So we formed Save Georgian Bay,” said Tom Buck, Founder of Save Georgian Bay.

Environmental consultant Bruce Rodgers was also at the event and spoke about some of his concerns surrounding the project.

The plant will use 30% more energy than it generates. It is not a green initiative. It also does not provide rate payer value. It will save an average of $11 per person per year. That’s less than the savings provided if you replace a single incandescent bulb with an LED bulb. Most importantly, it will harm the aquatic ecosystem of the Georgian Bay,” said Rodgers.

Craig Gallery owners Bridget Light Craig and Jonathan Craig moved to the area from Toronto after years of vacationing in Meaford.

During the years we visited Meaford we got to know the great local coffee shops and businesses. It started to feel like home so we made the move,” said Bridget Light Craig.

Now that we understand what is actually happening with the proposed project, it’s going to be really bad for the bay and local businesses. We don’t want anyone to pull a fast one on this community so we’re eager to help Save Georgian Bay. Hosting this event at our gallery is our contribution to the cause,” added Jonathan Craig.

Drummer and singer Jared Big Canoe of the group “Shining Waters” performed an honour song for the water at the event.

My mother raised me knowing the importance of water. It’s important to champion the cause of Save Georgian Bay. Politicians do what they do; they lobby for big projects so they can get their kickbacks. They need to understand that if they don’t care about the environment, there will be nowhere for their grandchildren to spend all the money they made. Part of our Indigenous teachings focus on caring about the future. You can’t own the land; you can only borrow it from our children. When we do something, we should think about how it will affect future generations,” said Big Canoe.

More information about can be found at

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