Thursday, October 17, 2024

Reader Wonders Who is Listening

Dear editor,

In the prophetic song The Sound of Silence, Paul Simon wrote:

People talking without speaking,

People hearing without listening”

On October 10, I watched in horror the destruction left by hurricane Milton, while on another channel they showed the debate in the House of Commons, where Pierre Poilievre and a Conservative Party were shouting “Axe the Tax”. Mr. Poilievre please open your eyes to the effects of climate change and start listening to our scientists.

In early May, the Meaford Independent published my letter to the editor, where I proposed repurposing the Meaford military base. In it, I suggested that DND, TCE, the town of Meaford and the Indigenous People get together and discuss re-purposing the use of that land to better serve the needs of all four groups. I have talked to all these groups, all have listened, except for DND.

When I wrote to our MP, Alex Ruff, (who had a decorated 25 year military career), he responded, “Respectfully, the Canadian Armed Forces and specifically the Canadian Army have no plan to divest of the 4th Cdn Division Training Centre (Base Meaford)” (or “we have heard but we are not listening” … my proposal did not suggest they “divest”.)

TCE has come to our community wanting to build a pump storage facility on the military base. There has been a lot of resistance in our community, and no one seems to want to talk to them. I, however, have been to their offices many times. I am impressed with their willingness to listen and try to address our concerns.

Shortly after my letter was published, the Save the Georgian Bay group alerted us that there is toxic contamination on the base and if TCE built their reservoir, the toxic contamination would end up in the Georgian Bay. If there are toxins in the ground build where TCE wants locate the reservoir and TCE proceeds with their plans to use that material to build it, it would not only pollute the Bay, it would also be dangerous to the workers, soldiers and residents in that area. In a follow up letter to Mr. Ruff alerting him of this, he left a voice message confirming that this is a valid concern (and would like to ‘Talk’ to me).

If TCE wants to build their reservoir there, the contamination needs to be safely removed first. Are you listening TCE?

Toxic material on the base? Could this leech into the Bay even if TCE doesn’t build their reservoir. Mr. Ruff would like to ‘talk’ me? Wow, I am getting really, really concerned now!

After a second failed attempt by Mr. Ruff to phone me, I ran into him at the ‘Every Child Matters’ ceremony in Owen Sound. I approached Mr. Ruff wishing to thank him for his concern and wanting to suggest we make an appointment to talk. He promptly and inappropriately proceeded to explain the importance of the base and did not stop to listen to me. He was even rude by speaking over me when I started to talk. Mr. Ruff, if you didn’t hear me then, I said …

Kings and queens will play their games and get richer, while we sweat and shed blood for them.”

Wow! Who controls the military? Has their greed sown “the seeds of destruction”?

The elections are coming up. People open your eyes…please listen and talk to our candidates.

Are you listening now Mr. Ruff?


Anton Komar, Meaford

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