Friday, October 25, 2024

Reader Responds to Question of What is Harm?

Dear Editor,

It defies belief. Tom Buck and the Save Georgian Bay Team have uncovered yet another thing that routinely happens every day in thousands of places around the world – but cannot be done in Meaford, Ontario. Impossible – ONLY in Meaford? How can this be?

Although Mr. Buck appears to be trapped in 2019, or ignores for his own purposes the long list of changes and information the rest of us have had access to from TCE and others since July 2019, he dutifully repeats verbatim the identical list of misinformation and false claims that Save Georgian Bay trots out at every opportunity. I assume they carry a laminated list in their wallets since it never changes. Or magically becomes true. It must say in the group’s Charter that they’re required to bring up debunked fish murder (deer murder is a new one though), water turbidity from water shooting up, up, and away from rocky Bay bottoms, the destruction possibilities from water that’s held in the ground, and pollution claims, at every opportunity. Water returned to Georgian Bay – which came from Georgian Bay, travelled a few hundred feet uphill – goes back – will pollute Georgian Bay? Does the plan call for mixing it with raw sewage in the big swimming pool?

But if you read closely, Mr. Buck seems to have uncovered a new one. And this could be big news Meaford!

Everywhere in the world large construction projects rehabilitate their sites at the end of construction. Restore them as closely to the original state, often incorporating enhancements to make the site better than it was before. Often incorporating improved animal and bird habitat and migration possibilities. Re-naturalized environments. Often to the point you or I would struggle to see they were even there. (Especially if it’s at an Army Base and we can’t even visit to check.)

But Mr. Buck seems to be saying that can’t or won’t happen in Meaford. I’ll need to consult my old lab partner again on this one because I’m baffled. Again. Is Mr. Buck warning us that Meaford has no access to grass seed? Are there no hydro seeders willing to work here? Does Meaford suffer an absolute shortage of replacement trees? We have no nurseries? Will tree planting operators work everywhere else in the world – but they won’t come to Meaford?

“What is Harm”? More like “What is Nonsense?”

And finally, I’d like to reassure Mr. Buck that I will never describe him as “naïve”.

Bruce Mason, Meaford

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