Thursday, March 13, 2025

Reader: Reservoir Could Swallow the Town

Dear Editor,

There’s been some discussion about the size of TC Energy’s proposed reservoir. According to Rants Raves and Rumours, Oct. 24 (October 24 print edition), Deputy Mayor Shirley Keaveney, TC Energy’s point person on council, described the reservoir as roughly 1.7 kilometres long and one kilometre wide. Still having trouble grasping that enormity?

Well, it’s big enough to absorb most of the (former) town of Meaford, from the corner of Susan and Sykes Street (where TC Energy’s office is) to the top of Station Hill (1.7 km.) and from the new and controversial tree mural on Bayfield Street beside the harbour up Nelson street, past the hospital and the water tower, to Pearson Street (1 km). With its depth of 20 metres, it would be deep enough to drown every building less than six storeys in height.

Enormous, indeed — and an entirely unnecessary blight on this beautiful landscape.

Clair Balfour, Meaford


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