Sunday, March 9, 2025

Reader Has Questions About Pumped Storage

Dear Editor,

As a long time resident of the area, it’s difficult to assess the net benefit of the PSP proposed for the Meaford Tank range, other than for the shareholders of TCE.

Little information has been forthcoming from TCE, how the 20+million cubic meters of limestone, (not including the massive amount of material to be excavated to build the tunnels up the escarpment), to create the reservoir, will be dealt with. I’m assuming much of it will be moved off site by trucks. Imagine the environmental impact of at least two and a half million, (2,500,000) loaded dump trucks on our area roads, over a period of years. It’s been estimated that, over 600 days of excavation, it would require 4,000 dump trucks carrying 20 tons per load per day to excavate the reservoir.

Has TCE openly acknowledged how this logistical and environmental nightmare will impact our lives?

The reservoir will need to be lined, as limestone is porous due to the cracks and fissures. Have we heard how TCE will accomplish this? All this to add value to “off peak” electricity that Ontarians will have to buy back at a premium to power the electric era.

Should we not explore other electricity storage options that could render this costly and inefficient project obsolete before it comes on line?


Erwin Embacher, Thornbury

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