Saturday, March 29, 2025

Reader Files Complaint With Auditor General Regarding Pumped Storage Proposal


In response to the recently announced $285 million pre-development gift to the TCE/SON proposed pump storage development in Meaford I complained to the Auditor General that if action had been taken as previously requested by myself that this payment authorized by Minister of Energy Lecce would have been deemed a fraud on the taxpayer.

The project has obviously better and more efficient power storage alternatives and has been rejected twice by the IESO.

The project produces no new power as claimed by the Minister of Energy and in fact wastes more than 30% of power used.

In Meaford the Town has ignored petitions and requests for referendum by residents and despite being elected on a platform of opposition to the pump storage plant the Councillors voted 5-2 in favour of willingness to host the project.

Grey County and the City of Owen Sound gave approval to the project with zero consultation from involved parties other than TCE and SON.

Georgian Bay municipalities have rejected the project with many concerns especially water pollution.

The proposed indigenous partners, the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) falsely claim historical land association with the site of the project in St. Vincent Township under Treaty 18 of 1818. This treaty was made with other Chippewa tribes.

The total estimated project cost of $10 billion with a 5% discount factor would give a $3 per kWh storage cost which is uneconomic.

The project appears to be an obvious boondoggle based on false claims, likely involvement of organized crime, political manipulation from the highest levels with negative consequences for Ontario.

Several supporting facts and arguments are withheld but an urgent investigation is merited before more money is wasted.

Thank you,

Michael Ashmore, Meaford


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