Sunday, March 9, 2025

Pumped Storage Unknowns

Dear Editor,

Firstly, kudos to the Meaford Independent for being our best local advocate and political watchdog, thank you!

There has been much controversy about the pumped storage contract, and as much as I’ve read about it I still have several crucial unanswered questions which go to the heart of the viability of the project.

1. Who’s paying for this project? As it’s on federal land, I’d guess the Canadian taxpayer?

2. Where are they going to dump the huge amount of fill from the hole they’re digging? Reportedly the largest public works project in provincial history.

3. What’s the completion timeline? I’ve heard from 4 to as much as 10 years. Now this is important because the reason for the job is to utilize surplus power generated overnight by the Bruce nuclear, which can’t turn off when not needed. Given the fact that electric and hybrid cars are being mandated by provincial legislation, and as they become more prevalent and will be charging overnight in most cases, it seems that the current surplus of overnight energy will gradually subside, in which case this project loses its raison d’etre.

Of course these questions are all academic, because it’s a federal jurisdiction and who knows what political machinations are involved?

Thanks again,

Nick Furguel, Bognor

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