Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Protect Yourself and Your Community From COVID-19

Vaccination remains your best defence against severe outcomes from COVID-19 and the most effective way to protect communities, including residents at highest risk, says the Grey Bruce Health Unit.

It’s for these reasons the Grey Bruce Health Unit has announced that Health Canada has authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine for children aged six months to five years. The announcement came on the same day as Ontario expanded eligibility for second booster doses to all residents aged 18 and over.

It also comes as Public Health continues to organize COVID-19 vaccine clinics throughout the area for this summer and fall, as part of its strategic and focused efforts to support residents in getting up to date on their vaccines.

COVID-19 vaccines are a safe and very effective way of preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death from the virus. Only vaccines meeting Health Canada’s rigorous safety and quality standards are approved for use,” says Grey-Bruce Medical Officer of Health Dr. Ian Arra. The Grey Bruce Health Unit will continue holding COVID-19 vaccination clinics, based on need, to support residents in getting up to date.”

Calling it a milestone in Canada’s COVID-19 response, Health Canada announced Thursday it has authorized the Moderna Spikevax vaccine for children aged six months to five years. A thorough and independent scientific review of the evidence determined the vaccine’s benefits for that age group outweighed potential risks.

The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) is recommending that a two-dose series of the Moderna Spikevax (25 micrograms) be offered to children in that age group who do not have contraindications to the vaccine, with a dosing interval of at least eight weeks between the first and second dose.

Ontario Ministry of Health recommendations are expected to follow. As soon as inventory becomes available, the Grey Bruce Health Unit will be working with the Ministry to procure vaccine and start immunizing this age group at upcoming clinics.

Updated information on vaccine eligibility, including for second-dose boosters, as well as recommended intervals between doses, is available by visiting

Residents aged 60 and over are strongly advised to stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines by completing their fourth dose.

Residents can book a vaccine appointment through the COVID-19 vaccination portal ( or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900. A full list of vaccine clinics in Grey-Bruce is available by visiting, and will be updated as more clinics are added.

COVID-19 vaccines, including boosters, are also available at many local pharmacies and via primary care providers.

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