Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Owen Sound COVID-19 Immunization Clinic Relocating to Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre

The Grey Bruce Health Unit is relocating the Owen Sound Hockey Hub mass immunization clinic to the Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre, 700 10th St E, Owen Sound. This move is effective Thursday, April 29, 2021.

Anyone currently booked to the Bayshore Community Centre should attend the Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre instead. Times of appointments have not changed. Notification of the location change will go out by phone or email to those with appointments.

The move to the Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre will alleviate congestion and subsequent delays experienced at the Bayshore clinic.

The increased number of COVID-19 patient transfers from the larger metropolitan hospitals to the Grey Bruce Health Services also increases the likelihood of the field hospital located at the Bayshore coming into use. Relocating the vaccine clinics frees up operations for the field hospital.

The Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre facility is scalable in that it can be expanded or contracted depending on the amount of vaccine available and the number of clients to be vaccinated.

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