Monday, March 10, 2025

Out of Touch With Reality


Number 1: Governments or personnel must be extremely wealthy to make a remark like this: In supporting the move Bloc Quebecois MP Julie Vignola said, “We agree that $9 million for a New York condo for the Consul General needs to be examined.”

$9 million is a lifetime of work for the average person,” Vignola told the committee according to news reports.

Number 2: Misinformation: USA citizens must love misinformation. Proof is in the beginning when the founding fathers sat around a table on a hot day to write the constitution. Whoever the secretary was had to be so enthusiastic about what everyone suggested be written down, he missed what one person came up with. Instead of saying “we must have the right to bear arms’, he said “We must have the right to bare arms”.

Seems logical to me since it had to be a very warm day and wearing the costumes they wore back then!

David Schram, Meaford

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