Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Municipal Operations Impacted by Provincial Shutdown

Prior to Christmas, the provincial government declared a Province-wide shutdown as of 12:01 a.m. on December 26, 2020, which will impact Municipality of Meaford operations.

Meaford’s Municipal offices and facilities are currently closed for the holidays from Friday December 25, 2020 to Monday January 4, 2021.

Essential services will continue during and following the closure, including waste collection, road maintenance, water, wastewater, cemetery services, fire protection, and by-law enforcement. The after-hours call centre will be available to assist 24 hours a day with animal control, water, sewer or road emergencies.

Following the holiday closure, these Municipal services will be impacted by the shutdown:

The Administration office at 21 Trowbridge Street West will remain closed to the public during the Province-wide Shutdown. Staff will be continuing to work in the office and remotely to provide services and respond to inquiries. We ask that you use online services where possible to make payments, or use the drop box located beside the office door. Urgent administrative services will continue to be available by appointment only. Administrative staff can be reached at 519-538-1060 or by email to

Meaford Public Library:
The Meaford Public Library will be offering curbside service throughout the Province-wide Shutdown. Holiday Hours of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. will continue from December 29th to 31st, with regular hours resuming on Saturday, January 2nd. The library is pleased to offer Wifi hotspots, laptops, and tablets for loan to help keep you connected. In addition, copying, scanning and faxing services will be provided at curbside pick up. For more information on the library services available and to access online resources, visit

Meaford Hall and Meaford Museum:
Meaford Hall and the Meaford Museum will be closed to the public during the Province-wide Shutdown. The Thursday Flicks at Meaford Hall booked during the month of January have been postponed.

Arena and Community Halls:
As of December 24, 2020 the Meaford and St Vincent Arena and Community Centre, as well as Riverside, Bognor, and Woodford Community Halls will be closed during the Province-wide Shutdown. Space booking and ice rentals will be unavailable during this time.

Recreation Programs:
In-person recreation programs will be postponed during the Provincewide Shutdown.

Business Sectors:
The shutdown will impact our local business sector. Information and resources to support businesses can be found on our website at COVID-19 Resources for Businesses. Everyone can support local by shopping local, using online services, and following the restrictions that businesses have in place.

For up-to-date information on the impacts of COVID-19 in our community, visit


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