Friday, March 14, 2025

MOH Rescinding Self-Isolation Class Order

Grey-Bruce Medical Officer of Health Dr. Ian Arra is rescinding the Class Order, issued April 16, 2021, that contained requirements for self-isolation related to COVID-19.

The order mandated Grey-Bruce residents who were diagnosed with COVID-19, had symptoms of the virus, had reasonable grounds to believe they had symptoms of COVID-19, were a close contact of a person diagnosed with COVID-19 or were directed to self-isolate by public health to return to their place of residence and isolate for the periods of time set out in the order.

The Class Order is being rescinded effective March 1, 2022, as it has served its purpose. As we transitioned our case and contact management to focus on the high-risk sectors, there has not been the need for the Class Order,” said the Health Unit.

The Grey Bruce Health Unit continues to strongly advise residents to follow the self-isolation requirements and self-monitoring recommendations set by the province of Ontario. They differ for people who have been vaccinated and those who have not been vaccinated.

If you have received direction from public health regarding isolation, you must follow the direction.

Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19 should assume they have the virus and self-isolate.

You don’t need to hear it from the medical officer of health; our mothers said it best – stay at home if sick,” said Dr. Arra.

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