Thursday, March 6, 2025

Local Author Signs Screenplay Agreement

Less than seven months after releasing her memoir, Gwen Lamont has signed an agreement with Dog Eared Productions for Penny Eizenga to write, produce or co-produce the screenplay of her book The View From Coffin Ridge: A Childhood Exhumed for a feature-length film. Eizenga is committed to producing high quality stories that entertain and foster change. She wants to advance the female point of view both behind and in front of the camera. Eizenga read The View From Coffin Ridge: A Childhood Exhumed and came to the Collingwood launch where initial discussions took place. Lamont is honoured to be working with such a fine screenwriter and filmmaker.

This breaking news follows the first two spring Coffin Ridge Winery book launches, summer launches in Goderich, Lion’s Head, Parry Sound, Kincardine, Southampton, and the fall launch series that ended on November 20 in Markdale after stops in Colpoy’s Bay, London, Stratford, Collingwood, and Hanover. Over 700 people have now been part of the spring, summer, and fall launches and the book is in its sixth printing.

The community conversations sparked by Gwen Lamont’s memoir and the launches are continuing in meaningful ways. To date ten municipal council members, 13 women’s centre staff and board members, nine representatives of youth organizations, three police officers, and five independent book store owners have attended launches as guests of the author.

Following an event for staff and board members from Women’s Centre Grey Bruce and Saugeen First Nation Women’s Centre, a commitment to take steps to encourage Grey Bruce municipalities to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic was made. As part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, Lamont discussed her lived experience, shared her Master of Social Work thesis on femicide, and explored additional strategies to address intimate partner violence.

The book can be purchased on the Ginger Press website, and in person at Ginger Press Bookstore and Coffin Ridge Winery. Across Ontario, independent book store locations that stock the book include Larkspur Books Southampton, Shops at 84 Main Lion’s Head, The Book Shop Kincardine, Reader’s Haven Tobermory, Giddy Goblin Hanover, Kimberley General Store, Fanfare Books Stratford, The Bookstore Wiarton, Jessica’s Book Nook Thornbury, The Book Keeper, Sarnia, Speaking Volumes, Markdale and Curiosity House Books, Creemore.

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