Thursday, February 13, 2025

It’s Important to Research Before Voting


As you know, the provincial elections are coming up. But before you vote, you have an important job to do. RESEARCH.

Voting is not about who you voted for before. Or who your father always voted for. Or what your personal community recommends. That’s a lazy way to stake your claim in democracy. You must make up your own mind on what candidate will best speak up for you.

Voting is your privilege and right. Don’t waste it. Know your candidates. It’s actually a lot of fun, and not that difficult.

One of the ways to do this is at an All-Candidates Meeting where you can meet and question all the candidates who are competing, yes competing, for your vote. You have a lot of power.

But I’m very disappointed and upset that our own PC candidate has said he won’t be attending any All-Candidates Meetings. Why? Apparently, the Ford government has recommended that PC candidates avoid All-Candidates Meetings.

Why is this? How are we going to get our questions to our PC candidate? How will he hear what’s important to us? How can we be sure he will represent us at the local level, rather than following dictates from the top.

We deserve a fair and orderly forum for elections, not cheap tricks designed to placate and silence us hard working people.

Caryn Colman, Meaford

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