Thursday, February 27, 2025

Introducing the Community Garden Fridge

An amazing new community-driven initiative has popped up in Meaford in the form of a beautifully painted community garden fridge.

With the rising costs of food, along with everything else these days, fresh food is unfortunately becoming a luxury instead of a necessity to many. The Community Gardens Network running under The Sustainability Project Inc. wanted to bridge the gap between reducing food waste and offering a ‘no questions asked’ accessible food source for all.

Our goal is to share the surplus of vegetables, fruits, and other food items produced by community gardens, local farms, and even backyard gardeners to fill the fridge. This is an easy way to make the extras available with those who need them. Whether or not you have anything to add or grab, the funky fridge is worth checking out as it was painted with an amazing eye-catching design by a local artist Billy Goodkat,” said organizers. “Feel free to say ‘hi’ and ‘thanks’ to the good folks running Eat Local Grey Bruce; they have made this project possible by creating an accessible location for our community fridge.”

You can find this fridge at the new Eat Local warehouse at 278 Cook Street in Meaford (former Meaford Factory Outlet).

Anyone can access the fridge Monday through Friday during business hours.

A big thank-you to United Way Grey Bruce for donating the fridge. It feels like this community garden fridge provides another healthy and positive connection for the residents of Meaford and the surrounding area! ” said organizers.

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