Wednesday, March 12, 2025

GBHU: Shipment of COVID-19 Vaccine Proceeding

The Grey Bruce Health Unit is in possession of 600 doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine received on Monday, and expects delivery of another 700 doses of the vaccine next week.

These shipments are to be administered to long-term care, high-risk retirement, and First Nations elder care residents in Grey and Bruce Counties.

Residents at the following locations will be vaccinated from today’s shipment:

Elgin Abby – Chesley

Parkview Manor – Chesley

Rockwood Terrace – Durham

Country Lane – Chatsworth

Pinecrest Manor – Lucknow

Brucelea Haven – Walkerton

Gateway Haven – Wiarton

Meaford Long-Term Care

Saugeen First Nation

Neyaashiinigmiing First Nation

Next week’s shipment will be allocated to the remaining long-term care facilities in Grey Bruce. These two shipments of vaccinations, along with vaccines previously administered, will complete first dose vaccine coverage for all long-term care residents in Grey Bruce.

These shipments are coming as part of the Ministry of Health’s updated Vaccination Plan in Response to Pfizer-BioNTech Shipment Delays. The Ministry has informed the Grey Bruce Health Unit that the previously announced delivery of the Pfizer vaccine, scheduled for this week, will not be arriving. Stakeholders and system partners have been notified of these changes.

The Grey Bruce Health Unit maintains vaccine administration and planning based on the Grey Bruce Health Unit COVID-19 Vaccination Program Plan with a focus on protecting our most vulnerable populations.

We remind the public that we are not at the stage of public vaccinations. We ask the public please do not call to schedule vaccinations at this time. There is no waiting list for the COVID-19 vaccine. Public Health will provide updates to the public when more information is available,” noted the GBHU.

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