Friday, March 14, 2025

GBHS to Implement Vaccination Policy for All Visitors

As of Monday, November 15, all ‘Care Partners’ (visitors) and anyone accompanying a patient to hospital will be required to show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination (2 doses) to enter any GBHS facility, unless they have an approved medical exemption.

GBHS is committed to providing the safest environment possible for our patients, families, and employees, and will soon join hospitals across the province to require visitors to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19,” said the GBHS.

This policy does not apply to patients. Anyone who needs medical care, or has an appointment, should not delay, regardless of vaccination status.

Acceptable proof of vaccination is the Ontario Ministry of Health vaccination receipt (digital or a paper copy) or the Ontario Enhanced Vaccine Certificate. One piece of government-issued photo identification must also be provided. Full vaccination is achieved 14 days after the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

If a visitor does not have proof of vaccination, or has an approved medical exemption and is visiting or accompanying a patient in any of the following circumstances, an exception can be granted:

  • Patient is a child
  • Patient is at end of life
  • Patient is in labour
  • Patient with accessibility needs

Care Partners are important to the health and well-being of our patients, and our Patient Relations department is available to support patients and Care Partners in these circumstances,” said the GBHS.

Screening and other protocols remain in place to ensure a safe hospital experience.

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